
Monday, July 8, 2013



Thank God it’s Friday! This is how many people especially the working fraternity feel when it’s Friday- the start of the weekend. How do you feel personally, reader? I can imagine your excitement folks. Let me share a Friday experience with you.

That Friday saw me doing exceptionally hard work at the office but the long awaited ticking of my grandfather’s clock at 5pm happened notifying me it’s time to go home! Have you felt the same?- Friday the beginning of the weekend and that Friday being a payday? Your feeling would be as exciting as mine if you are like me- the foremost among the BCG (Bachelors Congress of Ghana). Don’t be discouraged if you’re among that group for your time will come.

 A hungry man is an angry man indeed! I had an exchange with the trotro conductor for not informing the driver to stop at my usual bus stop. Eventually he prevailed because he was right. That my usual stopping point was a no stopping point. Reader, do you not agree that if we have bad drivers then we equally have bad passengers who incessantly annoy drivers over change and for not stopping the vehicle in front of their bedroom. Think of some pedestrians who often do cat walk in the middle of the road. I remember the first time I visited my hometown. My late auntie cautioned me: “kwasi, here if you are crossing the road, be extra careful. Run if necessary. It’s better to run for people to laugh at you than calculate your walk and die in the middle of the road." She was right because my hometown is along a major highway in the country. This highway divides my hometown into two making it needful to always cross to the other side daily.

The bottom line is simple. As the Police MTTU and other road safety institutions are busily educating drivers and enforcing laws to promote safety on the road, folk do you not agree that we all must be better passengers and stop the cat walk when crossing the road?
After the squabble and wrangle with the conductor, I got down and started walking home. “Not again!” I exclaimed when I realized that the street lights were off again. Folks do not take me for a coward. I needed the street lights to brighten my way home because thieves often take advantage of the darkness to rob people. I remember clearly the experience of my senior brother who was attacked by four village Rambos demanding his mobile phone. When they realized his phone is a Chinese version of Samsung Galaxy SIII, they became highly incensed that these village Rambos demanded and actually took away his Italian shoes in addition to the China phone.  Reader my bro was smart! To avoid the shame of walking barefoot and needless questions from onlookers, he took advantage of the darkness to strip off his shirt and trouser leaving him in only T-shirt and boxer shorts. Believe me,  my brother then trotted home as if he was preparing to participate in an upcoming National Athletic Competition. Wondering who gave him that idea? I can’t tell because the last time I asked he was so furious that I was left with only two options- shut up or swerve his fist. But with the issue of the street lights, who is billed? Are consumers billed and they are carelessly maintained or they are free from bills? I ask this because the last time I accompanied a friend to his hometown, a section in the community were jubilating and michaeljacksonly dancing after their MP for providing them with street lights. That was good and spectacular though. 

Well at long last I got home safe. I quickly dropped my bag, took off my shirt only and headed straight to the kitchen. I knew I was not going to cook but just to reheat some rice and stew I left in the morning. Reader what I saw in the kitchen was very annoying, disgusting, and contemptuous. I nearly fainted but because there was no one there with me to revive me and buy me milk I decided not to fall. I remember my Master Jesus saying clearly that he who endures to the end will be saved. Imagine what I saw reader. Ant invasion! Unpardonable action! A calculated and premeditated action by the ant to disrupt my motive of mercilessly attacking the rice I left over. Reader could you whisper into my ear the technical way of preserving left over food because times are hard everywhere. I remember Jesus ordering the collection of the leftover after he fed the multitude with little bread and fish. I resolved thereafter to preserve my food well. 

At this point the presiding organ of my belly members charged me for contempt after ignoring the several warnings given me to pause, eat and rest during the day. Left with no option than to respect the authority of my belly members, I agreed to serve the contempt charge at a nearby restaurant. I hired the service of a taxi driver who drove me carefully to the place. Before I could get out of the car and enter the place I was greeted with the aroma of the food served there notifying me of the impending royal treat- yummylicious diet. At the gate I could see clearly that this Friday is really special- weekend start and payday! I should be smiling at that point but the security man at the gate caused me further annoyance. Readers please don’t ask me what he did because I decided not to blame him and subsequently forgave him. Why? The last time I asked a friend who works in one of the security companies in the country  about how much they are paid for spending the nights with mosquitoes, weeding and washing master’s car, not only did I find out about his sorry  salary but realized he has not been paid fourteen days after the month has ended. Oh Lord how much is the salary itself? Shockingly he was not perturbed because to him it was normal. Agree with my friend because I know of a laborer who got fired from work after writing Leviticus 19:13 (You shall not oppress your neighbor, nor rob him. The wages of a hired man are not to remain with you all night until morning) on a piece of paper and leaving it on the desk of his boss when it was sixteen days past the month.

Reader sorry I couldn’t invite you but if you were there you could have noticed a mixture of satisfaction and displeasure on my face. A meat a little larger than a bullet sold to me for GH¢2, forcing me to buy three on my accurately measured rice.
Folk join me celebrating the man who shared a table with me. He is a legend indeed. He ordered yam and palm soup. Was he on eating spree folk? I secretly stole intermittent glances to count his yams and noticed they numbered17 with a matching meat swimming in a soup of about 2.5 liters! I am not exaggerating my reader! I felt like saying chooboi for him before he starts but my instinct prompted me to observe how long it will take him to conquer the food. Reader if you want to know the time it was around 8:30pm.  Honestly how long shall it take you to consume such food if you can? If you are able to consume all at that hour, are you sure you are practicing good eating habit?

As if he was timed to prove a point in an eating contest before a camera, he aggressively attacked the food, violently masticated the yam and the meat, and passionately drank the soup ignoring any traffic of bones or skeleton. He shockingly finished in exactly 17 minutes. Impossible you think? With that man many things are possible. That could aptly be described as dangerous eating habit.

Consider these facts:
Effects of Late Eating
Sleep Effects
If you're famished during the late evening hours, a healthy or modest-size snack may help you sleep. When you are hungry at night, Doctors recommend healthy snacks, such as oatmeal with low-fat milk, and avoiding large meals and spicy foods, which can cause discomfort and disrupt sleep. Avoid fluid-containing foods, such as soup, to prevent need for middle-of-the-night bathroom runs. Caffeinated foods and beverages, such as chocolate, coffee, energy drinks and various energy-boosting diet foods, can make it difficult to fall asleep and lead to daytime grogginess the following day.
Weight Gain
Contrary to popular belief, eating late at night does not directly cause weight gain. Eating particular foods at night, however, can contribute to weight gain. People often resort to treat foods in the evening hours, such as ice cream or chips. Since these foods are dense in calories and low in nutrients, failing to stick to reasonable portion sizes can lead to excessive caloric intake and residual weight gain. If you then try to restrict calories the next day to compensate, the cycle is likely to repeat itself and lead to even more weight gain.

Eating calorie-dense foods late at night can enhance your wellness if you are underweight because of illness, medical treatment or reduced appetite. If this is the case, choose healthy calorie-dense foods, such as nuts, avocado or cheese, over processed snack foods.

Benefits of chewing food properly
Chewing is an extremely important, yet oftentimes overlooked, part of healthy digestion. Most people put food in their mouth, chew a few times and swallow their food, as if their sole focus was how quickly they could get their foods to their stomachs. The action of chewing mechanically breaks down very large aggregates of food molecules into smaller particles. This results in the food having increased surface area, an important contributing factor to good digestion. For healthy digestion to occur, it is important to thoroughly chew your food 
It is suggested is that you chew your food completely until it is small enough and dissolved enough to be swallowed with ease. A good rule of thumb is as follows: if you can tell what kind of food you are eating from the texture of the food in your mouth (not the taste), then you haven't chewed it enough.

The benefits of thoroughly chewing your food will extend beyond improved digestion. It will cause you to slow down when you are eating, making more space for the enjoyment of your meal. Food will begin to taste even better when there is more focus and concentration on the process and act of eating. 

The bottom line is to pause, eat and rest during the day’s work. At the end of the day management of our health is the responsibility of each individual. Not only is the quality of food we take in now very important but of equal importance is the time we eat, quantity of food we take in and how thoroughly. We chew the food. Folks I hope you enjoyed my Friday experience. Take good care of your health.

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